EPN Program – Questions & Answers

EPN Program – Questions & Answers

The Employer Pull Notice (EPN) program provides businesses with a quick and efficient means of tracking the driving records of employees. As an employer enrolled in the program, you will receive a ‘requester code’. which added to the Driver’s License record of each employee who operates a commercial vehicle for your organization. You are required to add all CDL drivers using your requestor code. This will ensure all actions and activities of these employees are reported to you. The goal of the EPN program is public safety as it uncovers unsafe driving behaviors which can help employers decrease liability.

What are the requirements for storing EPN reports?

You can either have paper or electronic copies that are filed in a secure and easily accessible format.

What actions are required when I receive an EPN report?

As an employer, you are required to review your drivers’ records and “sign-off” that the record has been reviewed. If there are any corrective measures or red flags that could interrupt safety functions, they need to be addressed.

How current must my EPN records be?

Your drivers’ records must be no older than 13 months. If you are missing current records, please contact VLC to help you obtain the most current and compliant driver EPN reports. We are an experienced EPN Agent with more than 50 years of industry and regulatory expertise. We use our extensive knowledge and experience to solve your business challenges related to driver safety and compliance, productivity, and operations costs.


Vehicle Licensing Consultants

A Virtual Projects, LLC Company

Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software



Clearinghouse and EPN Services

Clearinghouse and EPN Services


All employers who operate interstate and intrastate commercial vehicles must query the Clearinghouse for any current or prospective employee who is planning to operate a CMV on public roads. Employers are also required to query the Clearinghouse annually for each driver currently employed.

EPN Program

In addition, the California DMV requires all employers of CMV drivers to participate in the EPN (Employer Pull Notice) Program. Carriers must have an up-to-date EPN report in each of their driver’s file.

What is Employer Pull Notice?

Companies based in California or have terminals in California and employ drivers that are operating with a CDL are REQUIRED to acquire an EPN Account through the CA DMV. An owner operator who is running under his/her own name (not as an LLC or Corporation) is exempt from registering an account.

Our Services Can Save You Time & Money

At VLC, we help our clients navigate the ever-changing requirements and complexities of compliance. We are an experienced Agency who will help you with all licensing, permits, driver, and fleet reporting requirements. We help you focus on your business, and can take the headache out of the compliance and reporting aspect.

VLC and the FMCSA Clearinghouse

As a third-party administrator for FMCSA means that VLC can run queries on your drivers and new prospects (as required by the FMCSA) through the Clearinghouse.

We know that navigating through Federal Websites is not always the most user-friendly experience. VLC has set up many accounts for both Companies and Drivers. We can navigate through out the application process with ease on your behalf.

VLC and the EPN Program

Companies are required to keep the most updated Driver Record in their employee’s driver files.

A Driver Record will reflect:

  1. DL#
  2. Individual characteristics (height, weight, eye color, hair color, etc.)
  3. DL Expiration date
  4. Potential Safety Red Flags: Convictions, Accidents, Suspension. Revocations, Failures to Appear

Drivers will be enrolled under their employer’s company Account number. A new driver record is generated when:

  1. There is a change to a driver’s record
  2. Convictions
  3. Failures to appear
  4. Accidents
  5. Driver license suspensions or revocations
  6. Any other actions taken against the driving privilege
  7. Add a new driver to employer’s account
  8. 12-month annual driver record

The benefits of an EPN account (other than it being a requirement):

  • Improves public safety.
  • Determines if each driver has a valid DL
  • Reveals problem drivers or driving behavior
  • Helps to minimize a company’s liability

Why VLC should be your EPN agent:

  • We have a direct communication with the DMV electronically
  • Overall management of account (driver’s and invoices)
  • No chance of mail being missorted or lost in transit to appropriate terminal
  • 48-hour turnaround time compared to DMV standard 10-15 business days
  • Reduce the use of paper and postage
  • Ability to add and delete drivers from account with just an email to VLC
  • Stored as Secure Electronic copies of all driver records
  • Direct agent contacts with EPN department at DMV that is not available to the general public
  • Invoice Auditing

Put our 50+ years of experience to work for you. We have many happy clients who are eternally grateful for the time and money we have saved them! Contact us for details.


Vehicle Licensing Consultants

A Virtual Projects, LLC Company

Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software

