VLC Customers, Meet DQM Connect – The Best Choice for Driver File Management

VLC Customers, Meet DQM Connect – The Best Choice for Driver File Management

Vehicle Licensing Consultants (VLC) has been a pillar of trustworthy support in the trucking industry for years. As such, we understand that compliance and organization are necessary to running a fleet company successfully. Having earned the trust of our customers in managing their fleets, our team at VLC has taken a bold step forward with the creation of DQM Connect, a cutting-edge driver file management software.

Why Choose DQM Connect? 

Why Choose DQM Connect? The simple answer lies in the four core motivations that led to its inception: saving time, saving money, reducing manual processes and human errors, and above all, prioritizing the safety of fleet drivers and all those who use our roads.

Over the years, Vehicle Licensing Consultants, with our rich history in trucking consulting, has identified a critical pain point faced by our customers – the lengthy, manual compliance processes associated with driver file management. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, we conceptualized and developed DQM Connect, a program created for fleet companies by the people who know you best. 

The result? A revolutionary software designed to simplify driver file management, so that seamless and error-reducing experience. Rather than a full-service company where you’ll need to go through a middle man, DQM connect puts access in your hands for a convenient, hassle-free solution.

Save Your Company Time and Money 

Time is money, and DQM Connect is here to help VLC customers save both. With traditional manual driver file management processes, hours are spent on paperwork and compliance-related tasks. DQM Connect brings these processes into the 21st century, automating them and significantly reducing the time required. Now, VLC customers can redirect their valuable time and resources towards more strategic aspects of their operations.

Financial savings go hand in hand with time savings and, by minimizing manual efforts and making compliance processes easier, DQM Connect contributes to significant cost reductions for VLC customers. The software itself operates with precision, minimizing the risk of costly errors that can arise from manual data entry and human error. In essence, DQM Connect helps make sure that every penny spent on compliance is an investment in both accuracy and efficiency.

Accuracy and Risk Reduction

Human errors are almost unavoidable when using the old, manual system, which often leads to compliance issues and potential safety concerns. DQM Connect can now act as a safeguard against such errors. The software employs advanced algorithms and automation to eliminate the risk of human mistakes, ensuring that driver files are accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with regulations.

Safety First!

Just like for VLC, safety is at the forefront of DQM Connect’s mission. By modernizing compliance processes, the software now reduces the chances of oversights that could compromise the safety of fleet drivers and others on the road. Using real-time monitoring and alerts, VLC customers can proactively address any potential issues, foster a safer environment for their drivers, pedestrians, other motorists, and the communities they serve.

You Trust us with Your Trucks, Now Trust us with Your Drivers!

DQM Connect is a testament to VLC’s commitment to our customers. Having built a legacy as a trusted partner in the trucking industry, we now extend that trust to the realm of driver management. The software is not just a solution; it’s part of the legacy of VLC’s dedication to empowering its customers with the tools needed to thrive in a competitive and challenging landscape. 

Give us a call at (530) 637-1696 or email info@im4trux.com and choose DQM Connect for a smarter, safer journey on the road. 

Partner Spotlight – WSI Cyber Smart Digital

Partner Spotlight – WSI Cyber Smart Digital

Marketing is a strategic part of our business. With 50+ years in the trucking industry supplying fleet management solutions, our website and our online presence are particularly important. We needed a website design to convey a more technology leaning approach to our clients and an underlying organization to simplify the challenging world of licensing, driver & fleet compliance, and optimization.

A Great Fit – A Great Partner

WSI Cyber Smart DigitalNot only did we find a digital marketing company that took the time to learn our business and understand our needs, but we found a partner in WSI Cyber Smart that cares about the customer as we do. They built us an awesome new website, which they are constantly improving on, with the current focus on Search Engine Optimization to improve our visibility in Local and Organic Search. In addition, they are assisting us with our Email Marketing and ongoing Social Campaigns.


Vehicle Licensing Consultants

A Virtual Projects, LLC Company

Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software

