How to Convert to Digital and the Benefits

How to Convert to Digital and the Benefits

Don’t be intimidated by software and the trend toward everything digital. We would like to show you that not all software products are difficult to use and that even the conversion process from your old paper files doesn’t have to be a terrifying ordeal.

If you have been thinking about moving to digital for your driver files, but a little uneasy about the training and transition time such a move would impose on your already busy staff, then we would like to introduce you to something so different, so easy to use, you will wish you had done it sooner.

If you are ready to embrace digital, DQMConnect™ can make the journey simple, easy, and painless. While it is true that some software packages take a long time to install, this is not true with DQMConnect™.

Utilize our easy to deploy software and you will be up and running in seconds. Yes, seconds! We want you to start realizing value from the very moment you begin. We have designed a tool that you can operate with no training, it couldn’t be more intuitive.

Your next concern might be all those paper files you have been collecting and storing for years. What do I do with those? How can I transition to digital when so many driver files are already bundles of paperwork in a file cabinet?

DQMConnect™ enables you to bulk upload your documents, making the transition seamless. Once uploaded, you will see how easy finding and reviewing files can truly be. And the most important part…You are in control of your driver files at all times.

And the Benefits? There are many, but here are the top 4:

  1. Never lose a document
  2. Easy to manage for multiple people
  3. Secure encrypted server storage
  4. Compliance tracking

Still a little skeptical or unsure? Don’t worry. Take a DQMConnect™ tour with one of our compliance specialists. We will show you the simplicity of digital and a well-designed driver file management system.

Embrace digital and learn more about DQMConnect™. The first and only tool that is quick, easy, and keeps you in control of your files.

FMCSA Offsite Audits on the Rise

FMCSA Offsite Audits on the Rise

The FMCSA has been conducting offsite audits for over 3 years. Starting in 2019, they were largely focused on safety reviews. However, the number and types of offsite audits have been on the rise. The pandemic encouraged the transition while the ease and cost effectiveness of offsite audits are continuing the trend upward.

In 2020, nearly 5 times the number of offsite audits were conducted as compared with 2019. Last year, 2021 saw a rule change enabling the FMCSA to issue safety ratings after an offsite audit. More motor carriers are receiving a “conditional” safety rating than “satisfactory”, despite so many audits being done remotely. This is something the agency could never do before.

Given the trend of the past 3 years and the fact that offsite audits appear to be working, they will likely remain part of the agency’s approach for years to come.

Let’s examine the audit numbers for 2021.

6% increase in audits; 95% resulting in violations

30% increase in audits that uncovered severe violations

37% increase in audits with critical violations such as missing records

The rise in conditional safety ratings is an important consideration for any HR manager or Fleet Manager. Conditional safety ratings can have costly consequences, including lost customers, higher insurance rates, and increased liability in court.

The Transition to Offsite Audits

As we can see, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is relying more heavily on offsite audits. It is time for you to embrace a DQM File Management tool to help ensure your compliance and facilitate these offsite audits. DQMConnect has a truly unique approach to DQM File Management. You maintain control of your files and it presents you with your compliance status and prepares the necessary audit files right from the Dashboard. No waiting. No loss of control. The data is yours and is accessible 24×7. For you and for the auditor should you need it.

Let us show you why more carriers are moving to DQMConnect to stay in control, in compliance, and audit ready!

How You Benefit from Driver Qualification File Management Software

How You Benefit from Driver Qualification File Management Software

Anyone involved in fleet management undoubtedly uses fleet management software to track your vehicles – but what about your drivers? Driver Qualification File management software can be a highly useful addition to your suite of software solutions. Beyond helping you keep track of your drivers’ DQFs, a good driver management system offers numerous opportunities for analysis and optimization.

What should you look for in a Driver Qualification File management software system? These are some of the most important features.

Four Features You Want from a DQF Management Solution

1 – DQF alerts and warnings

First and foremost, a DQF management system needs to be able to prevent DQF errors from occurring. A good software package should be able to autonomously monitor important documents and registration dates for your drivers and alert you if any issues are coming up. There’s far less chance of drivers missing a license renewal, or otherwise falling out of qualification when software is monitoring every driver’s file at all times.

2 – Self-serve portals

Many aspects of DQF management fall on the driver to handle – but it’s to your benefit to make that process as easy as possible. A great Driver Qualification File management system includes an online portal your drivers can access to upload or update their paperwork as needed.

This also directly cuts down on your workload since a self-serve portal will reduce phone calls and other time spent providing support.

3 – Improved recruitment

DQM management systems also make the recruitment process easier, in a few different ways. First, it becomes easier to input and verify any information provided by drivers. Also, it provides an easy and convenient way for applicants to submit information and stay in contact with you. There’s no more need to blindly send out information packets to applicants, without gauging their interest.

4 – Integration with other systems

A good DQF management solution should also be able to integrate into your other software systems, such as your fleet management system. By sharing data, you’ll be able to run deeper reports and analyses into your fleet, integrating information about your drivers into your overall insights. This adds to the value and improves your optimization efforts.

VLC Makes Driver Management Easy

VLC has decades of experience providing solutions for fleet management and driver management, including software focused on maintaining your DQFs. We can help you optimize every area of your fleet and operation! Contact us to learn more.