Welcome To 2021


I was driving with my wife in the car on Friday, after taking a hike outside of Nevada City. Yes, we were still in quarantine. But we had to get out of the house, so we went hiking…we even wore masks while hiking just to be extra careful!

On the way home, I started to explain to her how excited I am. I’m going to let you in on a little secret…I’m kind of like a little kid. I get excited at seemingly insignificant things. Going running in the rain. Building a fire. Making breakfast for my family. Blowing off the driveway. Reading a book. Sitting quietly early in the morning. Why do I get excited about these things? Because I choose to.

2020 seemed to drain the excitement out of many things for one reason or another. But it is important to understand that excitement and joy and gratitude are all created inside of each of us. A difficult year, a tough day on the job, or an angry person can’t take excitement, joy, or gratitude from you. If they disappear from you, it is because you let them go.

Don’t get me wrong. There are times when negative emotions like sadness, fear, and nervousness are appropriate and therapeutic. But for the most part, the changes and challenges that we experience day in and day out are judged by something that we have almost complete control over: Our Perspective.

Welcome to 2021! It may be more or less challenging than 2020, but you get to decide if it is better or worse.

Be well!

Chuck Ross

John Maxwell Certified Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and DISC consultant


Author: Change? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?


“They themselves are makers of themselves.” James Allen

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