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TripDAWG Sunset Program


3G is being phased out by the major carriers. T-Mobile has announced it will sunset its 3G network by January 1, 2022. AT&T is planning its departure from 3G in February of 2022. Verizon plans to shut down its 3G network by Dec 31, 2022.

So, what happens to telematics devices that are built on 3G technology?

The short answer is that they will no longer work. The good news is that 5G or 5th Generation Mobile Networks are the latest global wireless standard. 5G networks are faster and they enable more types of devices to connect to the network and will offer a better overall experience for users.

What happens to my old telematics device?

Your ELD device will need to be replaced to be able to communicate with the new network. TripDAWG is one such technology that will be sunsetting their support for 3G services. The good news is that VLC will replace your TripDAWG device for free if the network is no longer supported in your area.

This is an important consideration for anyone who currently has an older electronic logging device and needs to upgrade to retain service.

Are you eligible for a free upgrade?

Whether or not you are a current customer of VLC, this important offer is worth investigating. Put your trust in a company that looks out for your best interests… always! We want you to have the best road experience and the most seamless transportation journey possible.

Please call our TripDAWG department for more info.


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