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Is Your Fleet Ready for Roadcheck 2022?

DOT Compliance, DQMConnect™

The worst event in professional transportation is almost here again.  Roadcheck 2022, a 72-hour regulatory enforcement event, is set to begin on May 17 and last through May 19. For those three days, inspectors will be empowered to pull over any commercial motor vehicles at random for on-the-spot inspections and paperwork verification.

For newer operations, or drivers, this can be a shock – and potentially bring expensive penalties. here’s what you need to know.

Preparing For Roadcheck 2022

The first thing to know is that every annual Roadcheck event has a specific focus, an area of compliance that inspectors will focus on. This year, the theme is wheel end compliance. In fairness, as wheel-related problems are believed to cause roughly 25% of accidents, it’s understandable why this would be a focus.

So above all, you must ensure your vehicles’ wheels, hubs, and tires are in top condition.  Any violations will be met with steep penalties.

The inspectors will specifically be looking for:

  • Loose, missing, or broken wheel fasteners
  • Any damage to rims, inside and out
  • Unseated locking rings, or damaged locking rings
  • Lubricant leaks
  • Missing caps and plugs
  • Tire leaks, including valve stem issues
  • Tire inflation violations

To be clear, inspectors will not solely focus on the wheels. All aspects of the vehicle may be inspected, including the brakes, cargo containers, couplings, exhaust, driveshafts, even the windshield wipers.  Your vehicles need to be in top condition!

In addition, paperwork will also be examined. This is where good driver file software management can be a big help. Your drivers will be expected to produce up-to-date medical cards demonstrating their physical capability, as well as documenting any relevant medical issues. Their driver’s licenses will be run, and they may be forced to produce other pertinent certifications and documentation as well. If you are maintaining your records well, it will be far easier for you to ensure all your drivers’ paperwork is in order, and that they have proper documentation ready on demand.

We Provide Cutting-Edge Driver File Software Solutions

Vehicle Licensing Consultants specializes in helping transportation companies manage and navigate the bureaucracy of the transport industry. Our software solutions can manage every aspect of your Driver Qualification files, providing warnings as needed when information is out-of-date, or critical deadlines are coming. With DQMConnect™ on your side, passing the paperwork side of Roadcheck 2022 will be much easier.

There’s still time to get in compliance. Click here to request a free 30-day trial of DQMConnect™!

Vehicle Licensing Consultants

A Virtual Projects, LLC Company

Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software

#1 Driver File Qualification Management Software
