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How to Convert to Digital and the Benefits

DQMConnect™, Driver Qualification File Management

Don’t be intimidated by software and the trend toward everything digital. We would like to show you that not all software products are difficult to use and that even the conversion process from your old paper files doesn’t have to be a terrifying ordeal.

If you have been thinking about moving to digital for your driver files, but a little uneasy about the training and transition time such a move would impose on your already busy staff, then we would like to introduce you to something so different, so easy to use, you will wish you had done it sooner.

If you are ready to embrace digital, DQMConnect™ can make the journey simple, easy, and painless. While it is true that some software packages take a long time to install, this is not true with DQMConnect™.

Utilize our easy to deploy software and you will be up and running in seconds. Yes, seconds! We want you to start realizing value from the very moment you begin. We have designed a tool that you can operate with no training, it couldn’t be more intuitive.

Your next concern might be all those paper files you have been collecting and storing for years. What do I do with those? How can I transition to digital when so many driver files are already bundles of paperwork in a file cabinet?

DQMConnect™ enables you to bulk upload your documents, making the transition seamless. Once uploaded, you will see how easy finding and reviewing files can truly be. And the most important part…You are in control of your driver files at all times.

And the Benefits? There are many, but here are the top 4:

  1. Never lose a document
  2. Easy to manage for multiple people
  3. Secure encrypted server storage
  4. Compliance tracking

Still a little skeptical or unsure? Don’t worry. Take a DQMConnect™ tour with one of our compliance specialists. We will show you the simplicity of digital and a well-designed driver file management system.

Embrace digital and learn more about DQMConnect™. The first and only tool that is quick, easy, and keeps you in control of your files.

Vehicle Licensing Consultants

A Virtual Projects, LLC Company

Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software

#1 Driver File Qualification Management Software
