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Fleet Drivers Benefit from Vehicle Telematics | VLC

Fleet Drivers Benefit from Vehicle Telematics | VLC

As telematics devices grow in popularity, it is easy to see the benefits to the company and to the fleet manager. Let’s take a look at the technology, the communications, and the vehicle data to see how these features benefit the driver.


Telematics solutions track data like aggressive driving (speeding, hard braking, rapid acceleration, etc.). In addition to capturing the data, many solutions will process and present the data in a way to help encourage driving changes that promote safety.

Some systems are capable of alerting the driver when they are in a dangerous situation, are speeding, or headed for a sharp curve in the road ahead. The system can also alert the fleet manager when the unsafe driving persists. Constructive feedback can save money, reduce vehicle wear, and save lives.


Gone are the days of manual route planning and rigid inflexible schedules. Telematics solutions can report a change in road conditions, an accident, a road closure and help route the driver saving time and frustration. Optimize routes can save time and money. If an important client needs a change or critical delivery, fleet managers can pivot in response.


Mechanical failures can take hours to resolve and leave a driver stranded with minimal productivity and maximum frustration. Telematics can detect engine issues before they cause a breakdown, so the vehicle can be scheduled for service. Not only does this feature help budget and save on maintenance costs, but it also keeps the driver happy with a well-functioning vehicle. It can even prevent accidents and major loss from a malfunctioning component. Preventive maintenance is a necessity for any fleet.


GPS tracking can help clients and other team members know when a driver is getting close to a job site or close to return to the fold. Geofencing notifications can be sent out when a vehicle enters a certain ‘fence’ or range so the team or customer is prepared for arrival. Imagine a delivery for which the loading dock must be prepared and staffed. If the driver must sit and wait for this to happen, it can mean a loss of productivity and a frustrating wait. Geofencing notifications take care of this alerting the customer that their shipment will be arriving in 30 minutes. All necessary arrangements are made, and the unloading of the cargo is fast, efficient, and on schedule.

Telematics devices continue to grow in features and capabilities. Partner with VLC for a telematics solution you will never grow out of. VLC telematics solutions come with a lifetime warranty. We will work with you to upgrade your devices and keep you tracking. VLC, your partner in transport.


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