Blessing – Curse

Blessing – Curse

Throughout our day to day activities, whether we are at work or not, we rely on our strengths to do things well. If we use the DISC as a guide, people’s strengths fall into 4 different areas: Dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance. Granted, we are a combination of all 4 areas, but one usually rises to the surface as our key personality indicator.

Many people acknowledge that they need to do work on their weakest area. But what many people underestimate is the extent to which their strength can cause them issues. Your greatest strength can help you achieve great heights, but can also set you back on your way to achieving those heights. It can be a blessing or a curse.

I will use myself as an example. My dominant trait is an I (Influencing). My greatest strength is connecting with people. When that strength becomes a weakness, however, it means that I may seek approval from others. I have the potential to lose perspective when I need to choose integrity over connection.

Because of this, I often say that I need to keep an eye on my “I.”

The same is true for every strength. D’s can use their dominance to achieve, but can become Domineering and overbearing which slows the pace of their achievement. S’s provide Solid Steadiness, but can become incredibly Stubborn when life throws curveballs. C’s build systems so that things are done Correctly, but can suffer from “analysis paralysis” as they get lost in details.

Every strength has its dark side, just as every weakness has a silver lining.

Once we see clearly that our strengths have both a good and bad side, we gain perspective. We can begin to recognize when our strengths begin to turn against us and the people around us. Through this self-awareness, our strengths can be honed and developed into the positive force we wish them to be.

  • What is your greatest strength and when do you use it most?
  • What does it look like when this strength works against you?
  • When your strength works against you, what type of trigger initiates this?

Have a great week!

Chuck Ross

John Maxwell Certified Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and DISC consultant

Author: Change? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?


“They themselves are makers of themselves.” James Allen

California IRP Services – Save Money

California IRP Services – Save Money

The International Registration Plan (IRP) is a registration option for commercial vehicles which allows for interstate operation under a single registration plate and registration certificate (your cab card). You can save money on registration fees by paying pro-rated or apportioned fees based on the percentage of highway mileage traveled in each state.

VLC Partners with the CA DMV

To achieve the maximum benefit of the IRP plan, Vehicle Licensing Consultants will help you set up accounts with the DMV and issue the registration for you. We will make sure that your apportioned fees are correctly assessed, the fees are paid on time, and all supporting documentation is correct and properly filed.

Cost Savings for Your Fleet

The cost savings of the IRP plan can be substantial based on the fleet size in interstate activity. However, penalty fees for delinquent payments or inadequate vehicle records can be steep. Trust your fleet’s IRP solution to a company that is based in California and knowledgeable about all the rules, recordkeeping, and requirements.

Save Time and Money

While we handle IRP services in most states, we are based in California and have been serving customers for more than 50 years. We pride ourselves on our ability to simplify your trucking regulatory and compliance needs, while saving you money and time so you can focus on your core business. If your business is based in California, we are your neighbor and your business partner for everything IRP. Give us a call and start saving money today!


Vehicle Licensing Consultants

A Virtual Projects, LLC Company

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