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International Registration Plans and IRP Registration Services


International Registration Plans, or IRP, is a trucking registration reciprocity agreement regulating the operation and registration of commercial vehicles in both Canada and the United States. It is designed to ensure that all vehicles traveling across the two countries are properly registered and that the fees collected are distributed to the appropriate jurisdictions.

If you’re not sure whether an IRP is right for your fleet, here’s what IRP registration services have to say about this important registration.


IRP for Trucking

The trucking industry has several regulators and each has its own registration requirements. The IRP helps truckers from different countries to comply with these rules and make the necessary paperwork. The IRP will recognize commercial vehicle registration from other jurisdictions, making it easier to manage plans from multiple states and provinces.

IRP jurisdictions simply collect registration fees, from the “home-based” interstate trucking companies depending on where they are registered. Fees are distributed to each member jurisdiction that the company operates in.


What to Use IRP For

Interstate commerce is a major part of the economy, and the IRP encourages easier and faster movement of goods across borders. The IRP is also beneficial for truckers as it reduces the time needed to register and pay fees. Registration in one jurisdiction can also lead to reduced paperwork and faster movement through customs.


Who Needs an IRP Plan

Most truckers need an IRP plan. The only exception may be companies that only operate in a single state or province. Any vehicle operating across many states or provinces requires an IRP. Additionally, if the commercial vehicle is over 26,000 pounds gross, has three or more axles, and crosses state lines, an IRP is required. For companies that operate in multiple states or provinces, an IRP is an invaluable tool to help manage paperwork and reduce the time needed to comply with regulations.

There are many benefits to using an IRP. The most important benefit is the ability to comply with regulations in different states and provinces. This makes it easier to move goods and reduces the time needed to move goods. The IRP is also beneficial for truckers as it reduces the time needed to register and pay fees and makes fleet management much easier.


Get Help With an IRP From Vehicle Licensing Consultants for IRP Registration Services

IRP registration services from vehicle licensing consultants can help you get started and make the necessary paperwork. Our team has experience with IRP plans from all types of trucking companies, and we can help you get the most out of an IRP registration plan. Contact us today for more information about our IRP registration services.

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