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Insurance Filing

DOT Compliance, FMCSA

“One thing you may not be doing that can affect your DOT!”

Every year at renewal your insurance agency must file your new policies with the FMCSA and Motor Carrier Permit division. Failure to do this can result in your authority being revoked and your MCP to be inactive. Both permits are a foundational permit that can put your operations to a halt. Make sure you are communicating with your insurance agency to ensure they are filing your updated policies on time.

US DOT: (link to insurance requirements)

Form BMC-91

Motor Carrier Permit: Form MC-65 M. This form can also be filed online at

**Both Liability Insurance and Workers’ Compensation must be filed if your company falls under Workers’ Compensation requirement per CA Insurance regulations.

Vehicle Licensing Consultants

A Virtual Projects, LLC Company

Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software

#1 Driver File Qualification Management Software
