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Hero Dirt

Team Building

Today marks the first significant rainfall in over a month here in Grass Valley. As with most places, the rain almost immediately makes the roads slick. But as the oil and dirt washes away, traction improves.

Something similar happens to trails for mountain bikers. As the rain sinks into the dirt it allows tires to grip the dirt more easily. This increases traction causing a wonderful phenomenon known as “hero dirt.” Hero dirt allows people to lean into the corners at a much greater angle than would be possible, had it not been for the rain.

Organizations all experience their version of cleansing rain. Organizational rains almost always start off as mistakes or failures. That in itself is not cleansing. It can actually be downright maddening. The cleansing happens when the organization realizes that the mistake or failure is a sign of a specific weakness. The addressing of this weakness is where the cleansing takes place.

The process requires a certain type of attitude, however. An attitude of blaming others only increases the slippery nature of the challenge, much like roads when it first begins to rain.

There is no way to learn when blame keeps shifting. There is also no way to learn when someone accepts the responsibility but refuses to acknowledge what is being taught.

When responsibility is taken and changes are made to avoid such failures in the future, the learning can sink into the organization, just like a good rain. When the lesson is accepted, the organization can gain traction in that area in ways they never would have imagined before facing failure: Hero Dirt.

What failures have you faced recently that have helped you learn?

Are there any challenges you have faced several times over? What do you think this means?

What resources do you have at your disposal that can help you learn in the face of challenges?

Have a great week!

Chuck Ross

John Maxwell Certified Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and DISC consultant

Author: Change? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?


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