Weigh Station Bypass
Don’t get caught at the scales. Drivewyze and bypass the scales.
Weigh Station Bypass – Win the holiday race
Drivewyze weigh station bypass and its exclusive analytics reporting can help you:
- Save time & money, and increase drive productivity
- Improve drive safety
- Make the most of your telematics devices (ELDs)
- Discover what weigh station delays are costing you
Helping carriers and drivers get the most of their time and hard work. Call us today for details on Drivewyze. 530-384-3884
Vehicle Licensing Consultants
A Virtual Projects, LLC Company
Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software
Weigh Station Bypass
Weigh station bypass programs have become an important part of the trucking industry. Nothing is more frustrating than delays due to long scale lines and unexpected inspections.
While fleets are certainly benefiting from bypass solutions, there are some common misconceptions about how the bypass programs work. By sharing this information and helping fleets understand the program and the technology, we hope to provide efficiency, safety, and employee satisfaction as well as increasing your opportunity for increased bypass opportunities.
Here are the Top 4 Bypass Misconceptions
- Bypass programs result in more inspections
Bypass programs reward carriers with good safety ratings. Their goal is to focus on unsafe vehicles while allowing safer fleets with good ISS (Inspection Selection System) scores to bypass inspection.
- Bypass programs are used to track drivers
Secure mobile technology is used to ensure no sensitive information is delivered to law enforcement. Bypass technology is designed to only screen for vehicle-specific criteria such as ISS score, license plate, VIN, USDOT number and the time a truck passes a weigh station. This information is highly regulated and does not leave the station.
- Bypass programs require a transponder
Some bypass programs do utilize transponder-based technology. However, more advanced solutions, like Drivewyze, are completely transponder-free and integrated with the Geotab Drive App. This technology is GPS-based and provides drivers notifications 2 miles and 1 mile ahead of the weigh station, allowing vehicles to stay on the mainline without slowing down if they qualify.
- Bypass programs use CSA scores for screening
The only safety score screened by the bypass program is the carrier’s ISS score. The ISS score is an aggregate of a fleet’s Compliance, Accountability, and Safety (CSA) scores providing law enforcement with a more comprehensive profile of a fleet’s safety. A great ISS score will typically result in more bypasses and a software-based bypass service such as Drivewyze can help improve that score over time, offering additional opportunities for bypass.
Vehicle Licensing Consultants
A Virtual Projects, LLC Company
Fleet & Driver Compliance…Fleet Tracking Software